Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Welcome to Nagari Cyber Community

Welcome to Nagari Cyber Community

Nagari is a traditional community system in West Sumatra Province, which is still admitted by the Indonesian governement.
West Sumatra is one of 30 Indonesian provinces, populated 5 million people.
Most of the people who live in West Sumatra are Minangkabau etnic.
But more than 5 million Minangkabaunese live in other region or 'rantau'.

The Minangkabau etnic is matrilineal community, which has specific culture in the world.

'Rantau' is specific word for Minangs to mention other country or other nagari. Going to rantau is different with migration. Even most of Minangnese never physically going back to their nagari, but they still say, that their homeland is nagari or kampuang.

Every Minangkabaunese has two lifestyle or lifeland, the first is 'nagari' as a motherland and the second is 'rantau'.

The consequence of that adat (philosophy) the Minangs always doing the 'the Two' in their life.
They always take care atention to 'son and nephew, 'daughter and niece', 'kampuang and rantau', 'raso and pareso', 'cupak asli and cupak buatan', 'heart and head, 'quality and quantity', 'aqimus sholata and atuz zakata', right brain-left brain', etc. or in new scientific is the digital binary information, 0 and 1.
All of these the Two says in proverb as: Raso bring ascending, pareso bring descending.

The word 'minangkabau' inherited from 'minang' and 'kabau'
Minang area is artesian well in nagari Tanjuang-Sungayang.
Kabau is buffafo, the domestic animal which help man when plunder ricefield.
Those are the base-stem of word 'minangkabau'.

The Minangkabau philosophy conclude that all the God creatures always duumvirate. Duumvirate or nan Duo (the Two) influences all man's character, never one.
Character 'one' only belongs to God, and we must believe it.
After understanding 'the Two', Minangkabau's adat compel their community to know 'the Four'.
In everydays speaking, the Minang people will angry if someone call them as people 'who don't know the Four'. In their mind just only 'the four leg or animal' do not know the four.

To complete adat's education or philosophy, please click menu Dialectic, Logic, Sistematic.

The aim of the community site is to show all nagari cyber and then to increase education in every nagari (543 nagari) by collecting contribution from rantau.
Furthermore, every people in each nagari will know 'the Four', 'understand the Two' and 'believe the Oneness' God almighty.